Racism continues to gain ground and becomes further entrenched in policies, actions, and institutions, with more racially motivated deaths and violence, increased racial terror, limitations on upward mobility, and increasing racial disparities in areas of deficit.

Check out the latest episode of The Business of Race Podcast, hosted by ReGina Newkirk Rucci. New episodes premiere every Wednesday everywhere podcasts are played.

904WARD In The News
As changemakers, 904WARD works daily to improve our community. Here's where we have appeared in the media for causing Good Trouble!

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Resource - Definitions
Racism - any prejudice against someone because of their race when those views are reinforced by systems of power
Bias - a preference in favor of, or against, a person, group of people or thing
Explicit bias - bias that one is consciously aware of and that one can admit to oneself and potentially others
Implicit bias - bias that occurs unconsciously and unintentionally, affecting judgment, decisions, and behaviors
Stereotypes - a fixed, overgeneralized and widely-held belief about a particular group or class of people, often rooted in prejudice
Whiteness - the way that White people, their customs, culture, and beliefs operate as the societal standard by which all other groups are compared, creating a culture where non-White people are seen as inferior or abnormal
White supremacy - the belief that White people constitute a superior race and should therefore dominate society, typically to the exclusion or detriment of other racial and ethnic groups
White dominant culture - the established language, religion, values, rituals, and social customs on which the society was built, having the most power and used as norms and standards without proactively being named or chosen by the full group
Privilege - certain social advantages, benefits or degrees of prestige and respect that an individual has by virtue of belonging to certain social identity groups that have historically occupied positions of dominance over others
Identities/Labels - identities are one's sense of self that is related to a social identity group; labels are categorizations made by others, accurately or inaccurately and with or without malice, to assign people to those social identity groups
Intersectionality - the merging or intersection of multiple marginalized identities and how the various aspects of those identities intersect to mutual constitute individuals' lived experiences
Cultural appropriation - the adoption of cultural identity markers from a non-dominant culture that does not respect their original meaning, give credit to their source, or reinforces stereotypes or contributes to oppression
Microaggressions - common, everyday slights, insults and comments, whether intentional or unintentional, that spring from explicit or implicit biases, perpetrated against people of a marginalized or oppressed group because of that affiliation
Resource - Acronyms
AANHPI - Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders
AAPI - Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders
AG - Affinity Groups
BIPOC - Black Indigenous People of Color
CD&I - Culture, Diversity and Inclusion
CSR - Corporate Social Responsibility
D&I - Diversity and Inclusion
DEI - Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
DEIB - Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging
DEIJ - Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Justice
EDI - Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
EEO - Equal Employment Opportunity
ERG - Employer Resource Group
GM - Global Majority
HBCU - Historically Black Colleges and Universities
POC - People of Color
RJ - Restorative Justice
URG - Under-Represented Groups
URM - Under-Represented Minorities